We are a full-service periodontal office and also provide surgical dental implant therapy.

Dental Implant Placement

Dental implants can look, feel, and function like your original teeth. First, titanium posts are placed into the jawbone. Once the bonding between the jawbone and the titanium post is stable, this creates a solid foundation to support restorations (i.e. crowns, bridges, dentures).

Gum Grafting

A gum graft is a type of gum surgery that is used to address the effects of gingival recession and/or loose gum tissue. It is a procedure where healthy gum tissue is taken from the roof of the mouth and used to build the gum tissue where recession/thin gums are present. Alternatively, donor tissue (synthetic, animal, cadaver) may also be used as a graft.

Bone Grafting

A bone graft is essentially a transplant of bone substitute (sources can be your own donor bone, synthetic bone, animal bone, cadaver bone) to help your own body create new bone. This procedure is performed to help build the foundation for both teeth and dental implants.

Periodontal Regeneration

Periodontal disease can create bone loss around teeth. With this procedure, the goal is to regenerate the bone, cementum (tooth root structure) and periodontal ligament which are the main support structures for your teeth.

Pocket Reduction Surgery

Periodontal disease can create difficulty with oral hygiene management. This procedure reduces the area between the tooth and the gum, which in turn reduces the ‘pocket’ where plaque accumulates. This helps to decrease bacterial build-up and facilitates proper access for oral hygiene homecare.

Deep Cleanings

Unlike a regular cleaning, a deep cleaning removes bacteria, tartar, and any other debris that has collected under the gum line. This is an important part of combatting gum disease and bone loss.

Crown Lengthening

Sometimes there is insufficient tooth structure to restore a tooth to normal form and function without surgical crown lengthening. This procedure involves exposing the remaining tooth structure, recontouring the bone and gums and then repositioning the gums to expose more sound tooth structure. A healing time of 4—8 weeks is usually required prior to the tooth being restored with your dentist.